Saturday, April 17, 2010

Life n Love....Confusing

Well let me tell you something, life is not going to go as you want it. You might fail in certain aspects of life. You might not get the person you like or you love. Frankly speaking i still can't figure out what love exactly is. Sometimes when you like a person and share a few things with them you feel like you love them. Sometimes it may also happen that you are attracted towards a person for the reasons unknown to you. Sometimes it also happens that when you loose that person you realize that you loved them. So what is love exactly? I never figured out love. Still sometimes you feel good when you think of the person you like (love). Sometimes the opposite happens if you can't talk to them or feel jealous about them not being with you.

I am very confused about these things. Niether i have the experience nor the ability to understand such complex stuff.

I still don't know why I am writing this. Maybe I'll regret this later on ;)


probosckie said...

I absolutely love this post, <3 <3

Sometimes, when I'm feeling tired of life.. or it gets upon me, i feel the same too.

I'm sure one day, you'll truly realize what love is, either by getting what you love [ I hope this happens] or by losing her[ I hope not]

great piece of writing, loved it!

SoftloverHKS said...

Thanx man for your wishes...I appreciate it ;)

Unknown said...

love love...
good opening.... :)

Unknown said...

nothing exist like love..that's it.